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Archive 2017-2019 Political Thread

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Coosa county
I encourage everyone to read the letter trump’s lawyers wrote to Mueller.

I didn't read the letter, but I just read an article about it from CNN. The funny thing is regardless of what it says, the more the idiot liberal media publishes leaked material from the special counsel's investigation, the more the public will believe it is a partisan hunt against Trump.

Collusion or not, the media is destroying the optics of the investigation.


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I didn't read the letter, but I just read an article about it from CNN. The funny thing is regardless of what it says, the more the idiot liberal media publishes leaked material from the special counsel's investigation, the more the public will believe it is a partisan hunt against Trump.

Collusion or not, the media is destroying the optics of the investigation.
Read the letter. PLEASE!

Edit: also, this type of document hunting is exactly what i consider good reporting. There is not hint that this leak came from the special counsel.
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Donald Trump is poison for our country. Poison. He has slipped into the bloodstream of this nation and tainted it with it a vile kind of leadership that will set back civil discourse decades. He is not someone a parent would want their child to emulate; a bully pushing and shoving anyone who dares to challenge him on an intellectual level. Calling his political opponents childish, insulting, ridiculous names. It doesn't matter that 'the other side' does it too. The conservative movement...republicans in general... always took the higher road. Liberals are known for their hypocrisy. And guess what...they don't care. Because liberals are guided by their feelings. This isn't a post attacking liberals. I'm simply telling the truth. Liberals are guided and ruled by their feelings from one moment to the next. That's why they are never consistent. Conservatives are guided by a set of core principles, led by a moral compass. We are consistent in our beliefs. This is why when Donald Trump stood on stage during the primaries and behaved exactly like a liberal with his name-calling style tactics, I rejected him as a republican and as a so-called conservative. Color me surprised when talk radio began talking Trump up to their listeners like he was the second coming. To this day, I can't wrap my head around it. He was everything a liberal was...the only difference being he was running with an R beside his name.

Liberals hated Trump during the primaries because he was playing on the wrong team. If Trump attacked conservatives the way he attacked Rosie O'Donnell the media would be cheering him on. Let's not kid ourselves. But conservatives loved Trump because he was playing on their team. Kind of like how all of sudden Rosanne Barr is their new hero. And how Kanye West is suddenly the smartest person on the Twitter. Conservatives are so thirsty after having been wondering around in the desert alone for so long, shunned by all the cool kids and popular circles, that when a celebrity pays them attention, gives them a little fist bump, maybe picks up a bat and plays a little ball with them, they're willing to put away some of their code of ethics just so they can feel like they are giving back a little of what the libs have been giving them for far too long. When Donald Trump stepped in the ring and said, 'I'll fight for ya,' and then took to swinging, talk radio started to cheer and it wasn't long until their fans started to cheer too.

And here we are. They're still cheering. Even louder. It's gotten a lot easier, too. Because once you sacrifice one or two of your code of ethics, it isn't long before you sacrifice one or two of your values. Before long, your entire moral compass is broken. And then you start to make excuses why it's okay for Trump to do xyz...because liberals have been doing xyz....blah blah blah.

See, I knew this would happen. I said this would happen. And I wasn't the only one. Evan was right there too. Marooned was saying it. Mike S was saying it. And others. It doesn't matter much if Trump signs a few conservative bills into law if the repercussions of his presidency is detrimental to conservatism. He is now the face of it...the face of the Republican party. This is what liberals and Democrats alike get to point to now and redefine what conservatism means. Donald Trump. When we all know Donald Trump is not a conservative. It won't matter. Those that voted for him made him the face of it and he gets to shape it any way he wants to. So now, we're playing a game of 'who is the biggest bully in the yard'. It didn't matter to the Republican voter that Trump had zero knowledge of foreign policy. It didn't matter that he was a proponent of tariffs. It didn't matter that he lied more often than he told the truth. And now, that he's president, I'm supposed to just get on board and support a dishonest know-nothing because you did? Well no, it doesn't work that way. Voters were warned it wouldn't work out the way they imagined it would. They were warned that if they threw away their principles just so they could stick it to Washington that it would be a monumental mistake. They were warned not to burn down the house because the wallpaper was bad. They were warned. They did it anyway. And don't tell me it was Trump or Hillary. I'm talking about the primary voters. We had CHOICES then.

For the record, I don't believe there was collusion between Trump and Russia. We'll have to see how things shake out. I may eat my words later, and that's fine. I don't pretend to be an expert on any of this. I'm just following this like everyone else, weighing what we know, evaluating it with an objective eye, and coming to my own conclusions. Everyone is free to come to their own opinions until we reach the end of this madness. At the end of the day we don't know what we don't know. What I do know is that I'm sick and tired of this taking up every second of our time. But that's another gift the American people got when we elected Donald Trump. Congratulations, America. Neither side gets to claim moral high ground. I hope all the eye-poking was worth it.
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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I enjoy Evans post because he elaborates and gives examples of why he thinks the things he thinks. This thread used to be a right wing echo chamber with no supporting evidence to the claims that were made.
Let's be honest. That was attributed to one member who spammed the thread with Gateway Pundit links. I don't think I'd ever call it an echo chamber.
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I didn't read the letter, but I just read an article about it from CNN. The funny thing is regardless of what it says, the more the idiot liberal media publishes leaked material from the special counsel's investigation, the more the public will believe it is a partisan hunt against Trump.

Collusion or not, the media is destroying the optics of the investigation.
Another thing about the media. People attacked the Washington post when they said trump wrote don jr’s statement on the meeting with Russians in trump tower. The trump admin has finally admitted that trump wrote the statement. The trump admin has attacked the media every time a story has come out. They have proven themselves to be liars.


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McCalla, AL
Bill Clinton is the LAST person to have ANY credibility to comment on Trump’s behavior or history with women.

It's amazing how arrogant he continues to be in relation to his improper conduct while POTUS. It was wrong to take advantage of a young intern (not just infidelity, but also sexual harassment), it was wrong to lie about it, and it is wrong to continue to say you handled the situation appropriately.

It's a shame Clinton wasn't impeached because he should've been. The Clintons are the gift that keep on giving. They gave us Trump, and now they're going to help keep him in office. If I was a conspiracy theorist...

main-qimg-236dcbe4b76326bfc734c1bce683a776.png download (1).jpeg clintons-with-trump-624x403.jpg


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McCalla, AL
Because whether or not I like Trump, it's honestly boring listening to anybody just excrement on everything he does, calling for impeachment and the like. Ridiculous hyperbole is just not fun to read. I don't think many people find it entertaining to read the posts you've been making about Trump.

It's not hyperbole to say that Trump has abused his power as President. It's also not hyperbole to say that if he starts pardoning people implicated in wrongdoing by Mueller or pardons himself that he should be impeached.

Even crazy money maker Giuliani says Trump would be impeached if he pardons himself. Of course, Giuliani can't explain why that would be wrong, but pardoning people that could implicate Trump in wrongdoing would be OK.

I agree at all that all I've done is crap on what Trump has done. When I've agreed with him I've said so. It's been on more than one occasion that I've given him credit for a policy decision or position. The issue with Trump, however, is that even when he does something that most Conservatives would agree with, he has a habit of executing it poorly or in the wrong way. Optics, execution, and HOW you do things matter in the real world.

I don't post for anyone's entertainment. Maybe that's why there's an issue here. I post what I believe and why.


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McCalla, AL
I didn't read the letter, but I just read an article about it from CNN. The funny thing is regardless of what it says, the more the idiot liberal media publishes leaked material from the special counsel's investigation, the more the public will believe it is a partisan hunt against Trump.

Collusion or not, the media is destroying the optics of the investigation.

You realize it is highly likely that Trump's own team/counsel leaked the letters, right?


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McCalla, AL
Let's be honest. That was attributed to one member who spammed the thread with Gateway Pundit links. I don't think I'd ever call it an echo chamber.

At times, there has been an echo chamber quality to the politics here, but it's been a long time since that was the case in my opinion. I know that you, Mike, Arcadia, Marooned, ARCC, gangstonc, KoD, etc all typically call it as you see it whether it is a negative to Republicans or a positive about Trump. Which is the way it should be.

But in the past, there was a period of time in which a certain set of posters only posted trash Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and even Fake News sites, and the material was always focused on "right-wing" partisan GOP politics. But, as I said, I think we've got an excellent group of posters that call it like they see it, and we can all disagree and discuss things without it devolving into name-calling or partisan ranting. That's rare these days.


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McCalla, AL
Another thing about the media. People attacked the Washington post when they said trump wrote don jr’s statement on the meeting with Russians in trump tower. The trump admin has finally admitted that trump wrote the statement. The trump admin has attacked the media every time a story has come out. They have proven themselves to be liars.

This is a huge deal, truly. Trump and his admin have been caught in an irrefutable lie. It's brazen and there's no way to claim the media distorted what they said or that "that person just wasn't in the know when they said that." It was a lie repeated by the President, his spokespeople, his attorneys, his surrogates, etc.

The White House has attempted to pull the "well, at the time X person didn't know/wasn't aware of the actual circumstances, etc." Total BS. Months went by and neither Trump nor anyone else corrected the lie. On the contrary, they attacked WaPo and the media for accurately reported what actually took place. It is, perhaps, the most brazen and clearly false lie that Trump and the White House have told. It should actually be a bigger story than it is, but one of the things that benefits Trump is that there's always 15 other controversies and fires going on at the same time, so one particular story can't get sufficient oxygen to dominate a news cycle for very long.

But, make no mistake...this is a big deal. Trump and the White House have been caught red-handed telling an outright lie to the American people, and there aren't any mitigating circumstances involved. If this was any other Presidency this would be considered an absolutely massive scandal. But, Trump and the White House lie so frequently, and so brazenly, that we've all become desensitized to it.


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At times, there has been an echo chamber quality to the politics here, but it's been a long time since that was the case in my opinion. I know that you, Mike, Arcadia, Marooned, ARCC, gangstonc, KoD, etc all typically call it as you see it whether it is a negative to Republicans or a positive about Trump. Which is the way it should be.

But in the past, there was a period of time in which a certain set of posters only posted trash Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and even Fake News sites, and the material was always focused on "right-wing" partisan GOP politics. But, as I said, I think we've got an excellent group of posters that call it like they see it, and we can all disagree and discuss things without it devolving into name-calling or partisan ranting. That's rare these days.

If you like your plan you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
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