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Archive 2017-2019 Political Thread

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McCalla, AL
Why did he do this instead of just joining the piece of legislation already in place?

Because Ted Cruz, a Cuban and Hispanic attorney, Senator, and a very shrewd man knows that it is impossible to adjudicate asylum claims in 14 days. Even the mere suggestion produces guffaws of laughter from anyone that's even only been tangentially involved in an asylum claim. He knows his proposal contains a poison pill/unworkable provision -- a tactic he has used frequently in the past.

It takes immigration judges a median of 45+ days to make INITIAL decisions on removal, asylum, deportation, withholding, etc or reviewing the thousands of credible/reasonable fear claims that were appealed after DHS said: "nope, you have no credible fear of persecution/violence." Would you believe that an ASTOUNDING 30% of DHS denials are OVERTURNED by immigration judges? These are people who have seen/heard it all, and 99% of what they do is remove or deport people all day. So, for them to overturn a DHS determination in 30% of credible/reasonable fear cases, DHS has to be doing a fairly horrific job at performing credible/reasonable fear interviews. And guess what? Lots of people don't even appeal.

Cruz knows all of these things. Unlike what you'll hear floated about on social media, asylum cases are incredibly difficult to win and the ENTIRE burden of proof is on the asylum seeker. Accelerating the timeline assures those seeking asylum will have little time to line up witnesses, confirm key dates/info, or have effective counsel to present an effective claim. Remember, many of these people are poor, uneducated, or frequently victimized women. Their ability to lay out a compelling asylum narrative without legal assistance in 14 days is near 0%. Again, Cruz knows this.

Cruz isn't any idiot. He was fully supportive of Trump's new policy until recently. He saw the latest national polling, and the polling in his Senate race vs Beto. He knew he had to propose some kind of "solution." I'm typical Cruz fashion he proposed something that would create more havoc than what it purports to address.


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McCalla, AL
Just so I'm clear, the entire asylum mess didn't start with Trump. The entire UAC mess and minor children at the border didn't start with Trump. Obama was an insufferable dick as it pertained to immigration. But he still didn't separate families and throw the children in cages after claiming asylum. You have to be a gargantuan dick to do that.


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McCalla, AL
Oh the irony.

Sickos. Total sickos. Confused that Planned Parenthood has found a child harming policy they don't like. But, hey, if a 12 year old is pregnant we all know they will run to get her to an abortion clinic. Truly evil people.


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McCalla, AL

I give it until next Wednesday before Trump bails on this policy. I think Congress is too dysfunctional to bail him out, and anyone with a brain knows Congressional action isn't needed when Trump could rescind the policy with a phone call.

Democrats have no incentive to cooperate with legislation, and I think border hawk Republicans won't support a clean bill that ends family separations because they want Flores overturned, and Dems will never agree to that.

What's truly nuts is that Trump could've actually used family separation to pressure Democrats effectively if he had actually had a plan and had worked with Republicans in Congress to develop that plan. "The number of illegal border crossings are up. We don't have the resources or funds to effectively enforce our usual immigration policy and protect the Homeland. Unless Democrats join in a bipartisan bill to increase border security funding and additional immigration judges for asylum claims, we will have no choice but to start prosecuting all illegal entries on July 15th. This will require that we separate families as those criminally charged cannot be detained as a family. Please, Democrats, don't let this happen. Let's get a bill together that allows us to properly handle the increasing border numbers, and let's fix DACA while we are at it so we can get back to growing our incredible economy - - the best it has been in decades!!!"

Instead, Trump fights with our allies at the G-7 conference, whitewashes the evil crimes of a dictator, and starts enforcing a family separation strategy that even North Korea doesn't use. I've said it before. The man is God's gift to Democrats. If he had even an ounce of self-control, or was even 20% less stupid then he'd have already destroyed the Democratic Party by forcing them to eat their own.

This is what you get when you let Steven Miller handle policy. Look at how well the Muslim ban worked out.

2/3rds+ of Americans are firmly against family separations while only about a 1/4 of Americans support it. The polling will only get worse as time passes. Again, Trump will rollover very soon, and will likely pin the blame on Nielsen, Kelly, and others he doesn't like. By no means do I think the polling will drop to 10% support of family separation, but I think we will see 75% of Americans oppose it with only 20% supporting it. Hard to win in November running on family separation. Especially as tariffs start to have an impact on the economy. It won't take much to cause Trump's approval ratings to plunge toward the 30% line. If the economy begins to slow, Trump will be pining for the days of 35% approval. He'll be firmly mired in the 20s. God's gift to Democrats - - he finally gave them a message.


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What's truly nuts is that Trump could've actually used family separation to pressure Democrats effectively if he had actually had a plan and had worked with Republicans in Congress to develop that plan. "The number of illegal border crossings are up. We don't have the resources or funds to effectively enforce our usual immigration policy and protect the Homeland. Unless Democrats join in a bipartisan bill to increase border security funding and additional immigration judges for asylum claims, we will have no choice but to start prosecuting all illegal entries on July 15th. This will require that we separate families as those criminally charged cannot be detained as a family. Please, Democrats, don't let this happen. Let's get a bill together that allows us to properly handle the increasing border numbers, and let's fix DACA while we are at it so we can get back to growing our incredible economy - - the best it has been in decades!!!"

This. I pretty much said this exact thing to the hubs last night...minus your July 15th timeline naturally. But as I also said, no one is truly serious about fixing this problem. If they didn't have the southern border and immigration and asylum claims to use against their opponents as wedge issues for their own political gains whatever would they do. This is the Golden Calf. It always has been. And now, we have innocent children caught up in the crossfires. This is a diabolical political game.


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McCalla, AL
This. I pretty much said this exact thing to the hubs last night...minus your July 15th timeline naturally. But as I also said, no one is truly serious about fixing this problem. If they didn't have the southern border and immigration and asylum claims to use against their opponents as wedge issues for their own political gains whatever would they do. This is the Golden Calf. It always has been. And now, we have innocent children caught up in the crossfires. This is a diabolical political game.

Are you sure you don't feel safer now that the 10 year old Mexican girl with Down's syndrome was separated from her father? She could've been MS-13!

I found it interesting that DHS has determined 5 years old and up are "independent" and can be separated and placed with older children -- some that don't even speak the same language that they do. 10 year olds are changing diapers.

As the father of a Hispanic girl that just turned 6 less than a month ago, I commend the President for protecting us against MS13 and drug smugglers. I've tried everything I can think of with my daughter, but she's already tatted up with Spirit the horse tattoos, and her calves naturally grew to the size of cantaloupes so she can smuggle untaxed bracelet makers and sticker books across the border.

I even learned - - just today - - about the insidious Manitoba cartel. Evidently they smuggle NEW shoes across the border disguised as scuffed/worn sneakers. The deviousness of those Canuckers.

Does this sound like the speech of a mentally sane human being?



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McCalla, AL
This. I pretty much said this exact thing to the hubs last night...minus your July 15th timeline naturally. But as I also said, no one is truly serious about fixing this problem. If they didn't have the southern border and immigration and asylum claims to use against their opponents as wedge issues for their own political gains whatever would they do. This is the Golden Calf. It always has been. And now, we have innocent children caught up in the crossfires. This is a diabolical political game.

More to your point - - the Democrats are absolutely content to play this as a wedge issue. The problem is, Trump and the White House think THEY are winning, and not the Democrats. Things may get a lot worse before they get better. I envision angry tweets against members of his own party tomorrow by POTUS. He's meeting with GOP members of Congress tonight.


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McCalla, AL

This terrifies me. Mattis is the one guy who never cared about showing "personal" loyalty to Trump. We don't need a sycophantic SecDef. I wonder how much is due to Mattis bucking the WH plan to end military exercises with SK? Or Mattis' constant attempts to reassure allies whenever Trump tries to destroy long-standing alliances by tweet.


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McCalla, AL
Mocking children with Down's Syndrome to own the Libs.

Lewandowski would gas my entire family without remorse if he could. If our "new" world had any standards the man would be blacklisted from any and all public work. But Trump is more likely to make him Chief of Staff or offer him a similar prestigious White House position.


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McCalla, AL

Ann Coulter was one of the biggest spreaders of this conspiracy. She has justified doing so by saying if she didn't, emotion would overwhelm people and they wouldn't support the policy. Essentially, the argument is, I know these people are rubes, but unlike me they have a soul, so I have to invent a totally false reality for them to believe in.

Coulter isn't unique among Republicans in engaging in this kind of behavior. They believe the ends justify the means, and that they know "better" what is good for someone than that person does theirself. This is all incredibly ironic given that one of the chief conspiracies they promote is the global "elites" hide the truth from commoners, and use invented lies to push them towards backing certain policies.

I've come to the conclusion that there are only two remaining types of 100% dedicated Trump supporters. Type 1 are the grifters. They are typically educated, and are intelligent. They are "in on the scam" so to speak. Their grifting is only made possible by pushing Trump conspiracies and lies. They absolutely know better, and probably don't even like Trump personally, but they receive a huge financial/personal benefit for helping con others. Type 2 are the true believers. They believe in Trump, and that belief is unwavering and unconditional. Anything that would make them doubt Trump is seen as being fake, or a designed feint by Trump to outwit his opponents.

So, if you are still a full-fledged Trump supporter, ask yourself the obvious question: am I a grifter or a mark?

I'm obviously not talking about people that support Trump on some things and not on others. I'm also not talking about people who might agree with a large part of his agenda, but are absolutely willing to critisize his errors or behavior.


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McCalla, AL
What a surprise. Trump backed down as expected.

A lot of GOP members of Congress showed they will support whatever the White House proposes unless the political cost is astronomical. A lot of Trump admin officials gave away the tiny remaining amount of credibility they had.

Obviously the innocent children and their families suffered.

Interesting that a policy Trump created needed an Executive Order to overturn. It's almost as if the Executive Order was meant to portray Trump as a hero for overturning his own policy. Nielsen is finished. Don't see her or Kelly lasting much longer.


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What a surprise. Trump backed down as expected.

A lot of GOP members of Congress showed they will support whatever the White House proposes unless the political cost is astronomical. A lot of Trump admin officials gave away the tiny remaining amount of credibility they had.

Obviously the innocent children and their families suffered.

Interesting that a policy Trump created needed an Executive Order to overturn. It's almost as if the Executive Order was meant to portray Trump as a hero for overturning his own policy. Nielsen is finished. Don't see her or Kelly lasting much longer.

This was policy well before trump.
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