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2020 Political Thread

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From Leland Whaley.

Trump just gave the order to cut the head off the Snake. We killed the top Iranian leader directly responsible for hundreds of American deaths. I guess the plane loads of cash days are over. General Qasem Soleiman head of the Iranian Quds force. He was in Iraq plotting the attacks on the US and we bombed that money maker.
I’m glad we got him, but not sure about the legality of assassinating other country’s leaders without congressional approval.

this is not like getting bin laden. This is more like another country killing a senator.
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Manchester, Tn
I'm sure you feel the same about FOX News as you do MSNBC right? Since there's no difference other than the team they swing for. Opinion anchors filling 85%+ of the time slots.
If you had a rational defense then maybe you'd deserve some credit, but you didn't express any such thing. You antagonized his statement by suggesting he's a sucker for misleading media hype from the left.

Next time you could argue that the impoundment cause wasn't breached because the funds were released before the due date (albeit because of the whistleblower complaint came to light) therefore the Impoundment Clause law wasn't actually broken.

That wasn't so hard was it?

The house allocates funds but the president is well within his rights to delay the release. Especially to ensure the funds will be spent wisely and not land into the bank accounts of corrupt politicians.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I’m glad we got him, but not sure about the legality of assassinating other country’s leaders without congressional approval.

this is not like getting bin laden. This is more like another country killing a senator.
I don’t think Congressional approval is needed since it was noted that Soleimani was actively planning on an attack on U.S. diplomats and military members. Especially if it was imminent, this was done to prevent further attacks. Sit around and wait for Congress to accomplish anything....they’d be a day late and dollar short.



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McCalla, AL
Holy sh$#. That's all I'm going to say. I dare even say most people can't even conceive of how big of a deal this is.

Killing Soleimani is akin to killing Bin Laden, Assad, and Saddam all at the same time. I am struggling to even believe this actually happened. It's such an insane response. Even when Soleimani was killing hundreds of US soldiers in Iraq he was off limits. Not Bush, not Obama, not the joint chiefs, etc. Everyone knew it meant certain war with Iran.

Few people have ever deserved killing as much as Soleimani. With that said, this is beyond kicking a hornet's nest. This is guaranteeing that Iran will activate their massive terror apparatus and retaliate against our interests and allied. Potentially even in North America. It's an absolutely historic event.
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Manchester, Tn
I'm sure you feel the same about FOX News as you do MSNBC right? Since there's no difference other than the team they swing for. Opinion anchors filling 85%+ of the time slots.
If you had a rational defense then maybe you'd deserve some credit, but you didn't express any such thing. You antagonized his statement by suggesting he's a sucker for misleading media hype from the left.

Next time you could argue that the impoundment cause wasn't breached because the funds were released before the due date (albeit because of the whistleblower complaint came to light) therefore the Impoundment Clause law wasn't actually broken.

That wasn't so hard was it?

They tell you who is an opinion anchor and who is news. Fox and Friends opinion. Sandra Smith and Bill Hemmer news. Not sure about the middle of the day. Neil Cavuto news. Carlson opinion. Hannity opinion. I know where they stand.
Is Andrea Mitchell news or opinion?


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I don’t think Congressional approval is needed since it was noted that Soleimani was actively planning on an attack on U.S. diplomats and military members. Especially if it was imminent, this was done to prevent further attacks. Sit around and wait for Congress to accomplish anything....they’d be a day late and dollar short.

Im pretty sure I agree with you. Tough decision made by Trump tonight. No doubt he’s a bad guy. No doubt this makes the Mideast situation volatile.


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McCalla, AL
Ha ha Evan! You’ll be proven wrong again 48-72 hours. You’re too reactionary. These folks don’t want to F—k with Trump! He will stomp their money makers!

Just so you're aware, I'm much more of a hawk on Iran than Donald Trump is and has been. I'm simply pointing out the historic nature of this event and that Iran will retaliate with terror as they always do.

I'm glad Soleimani will never take another breath. But you'd have to be naive to think you (or Trump or Iran) know will all of this will end up. Iran will retaliate. That's a fact. Whether that leads to a rapidly spiraling conflict is unknown. The potential possibilities run the gamut between a smoldering conflict or cyber attacks to an outright war. Who knows?

Part of the reason Iran has been so emboldened lately is because of Trump's previous weakness in dealing with Iran's previous provocations since he entered office. He's repeatedly made threats but hasn't backed them up. The Iranians became victims of their own hubris and believed Trump was a paper tiger and that they had him figured out. Early reports suggest Soleimani's travel to Baghdad was blatant and obvious, and this comes on the heels of Khatami tweeting just a day or so ago that "Trump can't do anything about it [Baghdad Embassy attack]"

It's the old madman strategy. You're a genius if it works and a madman if it doesn't. Wars almost always begin over the misunderstanding or questioning of each other's resolve and intentions. Remember how Saddam didn't think W's ultimatum was really an ultimatum that would result in his defeat? There's another ultimatum that people missed. The one Iran gave us after the invasion in which which they said they're in charge now. People don't know so much about that one, and it's largely been true until today.

I hope Trump's strategy is a resounding success. Because if it isn't, the alternative is a very serious and very dangerous situation in which real people die -- lots of them.


"Bill, I'm talkin' imminent rueage"
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Fayetteville, AR
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The house allocates funds but the president is well within his rights to delay the release. Especially to ensure the funds will be spent wisely and not land into the bank accounts of corrupt politicians.
Actually no he isn’t. That is why there are really good laws and separation of power prevent that. Hence why in the emails released today career civil servants who take their oath to the constitution very seriously were questioning the decision.


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McCalla, AL
It’s truly amazing to see the select few Dems distraught at the killing of a brutal terrorist.

Hand-wringers gonna wring those hands...

There's some really unhinged stuff out there, too. Like apologizing for Soleimani's death -- or saying it was an illegal act. Dude was in IRAQ where we are lawfully present. He's a legitimate enemy combatant and leader of a terrorist group. He's as legitimate and lawful a target as they come.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Hand-wringers gonna wring those hands...

There's some really unhinged stuff out there, too. Like apologizing for Soleimani's death -- or saying it was an illegal act. Dude was in IRAQ where we are lawfully present. He's a legitimate enemy combatant and leader of a terrorist group. He's as legitimate and lawful a target as they come.
Yep. People are missing the Congressional approval of use of force in Iraq in 2002, so unless Baghdad moved somewhere else, it's legal. Add in the embassy assault and other forthcoming attacks, this needed to be done.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Just imagine being a quivering pussywillow when Osama Bin Laden was killed and being like "what about legalities and retaliation?!" Like no, the world is now a safer place.

It's almost some on the Left SYMPATHIZE with the terrorists.


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Roy, UT
It's almost some on the Left SYMPATHIZE with the terrorists.

Unfortunately plenty do. Just go look through the "Dear Iran" hashtag that is trending on twitter.

Fortunately Twitter seems to shine a light on the worst of the worst (on both sides), and largely doesn't represent most of America.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
This is some next level mental gymnastics.



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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Unfortunately plenty do. Just go look through the "Dear Iran" hashtag that is trending on twitter.

Fortunately Twitter seems to shine a light on the worst of the worst (on both sides), and largely doesn't represent most of America.
I can count several 2020 Dem candidates and several current Congresspeople who are quite vocal this morning.


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Huntsville, AL
The left social media calling out hypocrisy on Trump for his 2011 tweets saying Obama would start a war to get re-elected. Swipe right to see all the tweets.

One member states:
User said:
I see his supporters using the "but this guy killed so many Americans!"

Then why aren't they calling for strikes on Saudi Arabia? They funded an attack that killed nearly 3,000 innocent civilians on American soil.

Another is slightly more critical:
Another user said:
I'm not a fan of Trump or his policies at all but what are we suppose to do as a country if we have an Iranian army general in Iraq there specifically to help create another insurgency? The attack on the US embassy was in response to the US attacking Iranian backed militias in Iraq. Soleimani was responsible for the attack on the US embassy in retaliation. What is the United States suppose to do in this situation? Let him leave and do whatever he wants with immunity.

Others are downright angry:
Left dominated social media user #3 said:
He didn't start a war. Soleimani was in Iraq supporting and planning terroist activities and undermining the iraqi goverment. If you havent been living under a rock, this has been going on for several months.

The US didn't invade Iran. No war has started. The US took out a war criminal and his lieutenants. So f@#& you if you think these actions were wrong.
His respondent was more gentle:
Left dominated social media response to user #3's post said:
As an outsider, this is the message the world keeps on receving from the USA, scary to see the former leader of the the free world going full jingo and being applauded for it by a significant part of its electorate.

No doubts from my part on that Soleimani was justifiably on a terrorist targeting list, but killing him in absolute disregard to how this affects global geopolitics reeks of leadership disfunction.

Hope waving your flag is not the main reason for this act.

No opinions from me here, just stating what I'm seeing from my observations of a large left to far left forum.
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