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Jack Watkins Memorial Weather Station

In Loving Memory of Our Friend Jack Watkins

Jack Watkins was a key member and administrator here at TalkWeather. As a hand-picked caretaker, he brought some laughs fun and was a guardian for this site. We, unfortunately, lost Jack in 2021 and immediately knew that we would establish a memorial weather station in his honor. However, this memorial weather station needed to be somewhere so that spirit of Jack would care and watch over others. This is why we have partnered with the world-renowned big cat sanctuary, Turpentine Ridge Wildlife Refuge, to place Jack's weather station at their facility. The advanced monitoring the WeatherFlow Tempest brings will help not only help the staff monitor the weather it will also help keep them and the thousands of visitors safe when storms approach with lighting detection. We like to think that Jack would have liked it that way and certainly would have enjoyed the lions, tigers, and bears that call the refuge home.

Jack Watkins Memorial Thread | All Posts From Jack | Turpentine Creek

  • Published
    Jan 23, 2022
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