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2020 Political Thread

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Hartselle, al
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They were kept out for multiple reasons including that they already had a packed room full of GOP observers. Another reason is that the people who were blocked WANTED to be blocked so they could allege wrongdoing by claiming "Why are they blocking us? Why can't we observe the vote-counting? What are they trying to hide?" Why would they do that? Because they knew their misrepresentation would make it into dozens of viral videos and thousands of viral tweets and convince people the process was corrupt even though it wasn't.

This isn't about wanting to assure a free and fair election. It's about fabricating as much uncertainty and spurious allegations as possible to cast doubt on Biden's victory simply because that's what Trump's plan was always going to be if he lost. As mentioned in the earlier article I posted, this was long the plan. It's always been about giving Trump the ability to deny that he lost a fair and square election because he can never admit he lost or that he was wrong.

Those of you insisting that Trump is just using legal procedures and challenges to assure a fair election, ask yourself deep-down if you think that's what is really going on. Ask yourself why Loeffler and Perdue demanded the Georgia SOS resign today even though the man is a lifelong Republican who has actively gone after voter fraud since he was elected as SOS.

Do you feel used and duped yet? If you don't, ask yourself why Trump's margin of about 45k was sufficient for Hillary Clinton, of all the people, to concede defeat in Pennsylvania, but not good enough for Trump when he's on the opposite side of a virtually identical margin.

Ask yourself why Trump and his allies pushed a phony claim about voting with a Sharpie in Arizona even though the Republican Attorney General of Arizona investigated their complaints and found them to be 100% incorrect and without merit. Including the fact that multiple tweets, official documents, and polling station signs advised that Sharpies were one of the preferred writing instruments to be used in Maricopa County for in-person voting. This allegation persists among Trump friendly media outlets and allies even though it has been debunked 100% by multiple Republicans and clear-cut evidence that existed PRIOR to the election.

How many claims have to be 100% debunked before you think Trump will concede? If you're honest, you know the answer is somewhere north of infinity. In other words, every single allegation can be debunked, rejected by a court, or verified as untrue with hard evidence, and he and his allies are still going to make the exact same claims that the election was stolen. He's not going to concede. This whole exercise is deeply damaging to American Democracy and it's all being done to satisfy the emotional and mental needs of a man who is incapable of admitting he lost, is incapable of telling or accepting the truth, and whose stability rests on being surrounded by sycophants loudly telling him he's the best and is being treated very unfairly.

Trump is burning down every last piece of fuel he can find as he exits out the door, and he's clearly not done yet. The latest idea of getting state legislatures to override the popular will of its voting public is the most recent insane idea to go mainstream. Does anyone understand how sickening and un-American that kind of idea really is?
I keep asking for proof. I provide links to stories and articles that people talk about and have testified under oath about the fraud and whistleblowers out there. Yet you are just giving me stories and opinions based on your biases. I am not biased in this manner. I want to see an Honest Election. I have posted and repeated that if the election results come out that Biden is the president, then I will stand by the United States as I always have.

And there are more affidavits coming from the poll workers themselves. Still want to claim it is false?


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Huntsville, AL
Please show me where he encouraged people to try and vote twice. I have never heard any such thing from him.

As far as Trump's meeting with Epstein you leave out it was only once and then he quickly distanced himself from Epstein. I do not believe everything Q Says. But I do not dismiss everything either. Maybe if we had some real news organizations besides left and right-leaning crap, we could actually believe what we were being told.

Are we going to spend the next 4 years investigating Biden's misdeeds like we did the false allegations against trump? I honestly hope not, but even if the truth smacked you in the face, you would just say oh that's false news. Really getting tired of the hypocrisy around here. I stay away from this part of the forum because most of you here can't handle the darn truth. You can't stand it when there is something against one of your beloved. Go ahead worship at the feet of your Idle Biden. I will honor the presidency, but Again Pushed away from here of the idiotic statements made by those who claim to be enlightened. How about calling for an investigation of the suspected pedophile rings? How about the call for an investigation of the alleged voter fraud. How about calling for an investigation of censorship of those who have conservative viewpoints?

If there isn't anything to see, hear or speak of then why do you have an issue investigating it? Are you Scared of the Truth?

I'm assuming though you quoted me that your entire post isn't directed at me since I stated those involved with Epstein should be investigated. Political affiliation should not be a factor at all in that process. I don't know what kind of media you're watching but the "fake news media" has called for investigating allegations of voter fraud over and over and over. I'm all for investigating such claims too. It's when people believe that it occurred without verified evidence and without investigating that I begin to have a problem.
I also don't know of anyone on this subforum/thread who worships Biden. Your accusations of hypocrisy and unjust claims of "false news" would reflect better if they weren't prefaced by stating 4 years of investigation was false allegations.
Investigate is what reasonable people want.

When you have clowns like QAnon making outrageous unsubstantiated assertions it diminishes the validity of such a process. I'm not ignorant to the fact that there's also plenty of leftist fools who make accusations that are just as baseless and biased and are detrimental to a reasonable investigation as well.
I'm by no means accusing you of being a QA person but I am absolutely accusing QA as being primarily propagandist and unapologetically biased.
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I keep asking for proof. I provide links to stories and articles that people talk about and have testified under oath about the fraud and whistleblowers out there. Yet you are just giving me stories and opinions based on your biases. I am not biased in this manner. I want to see an Honest Election. I have posted and repeated that if the election results come out that Biden is the president, then I will stand by the United States as I always have.

And there are more affidavits coming from the poll workers themselves. Still want to claim it is false?
That whistleblower already recanted his statement...


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McCalla, AL
Not responding to a post from 2016.

Since you're having a hard time with this, here's a direct link to the post I'm talking about. It's the only post that directly responded to a post you had previously made about various voter fraud claims.

Again, I specifically discussed an issue you raised and provided hard evidence from a court hearing and settlement made by the Trump campaign.


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McCalla, AL
I keep asking for proof. I provide links to stories and articles that people talk about and have testified under oath about the fraud and whistleblowers out there. Yet you are just giving me stories and opinions based on your biases. I am not biased in this manner. I want to see an Honest Election. I have posted and repeated that if the election results come out that Biden is the president, then I will stand by the United States as I always have.

And there are more affidavits coming from the poll workers themselves. Still want to claim it is false?

That post was responding to gastonnc...

Anyway, as far as your most recent fraud claim:



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Hartselle, al
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None of my statements are to discount the vote or discount that Biden may actually win regardless. It is about the integrity of the election. You all wanted Trump Investigated to the hilt based off of speculation and he was. There are hints that voter fraud has taken place. Would you rather a true election where its integrity is not in question, or would you rather win regardless and have the entire vote under suspicion of being altered?

I would want to that the Elections in the United States are fair, are not wrought with fraud and that ever vote that was legally cast by election night was counted. No double votes, no dead people voting, no people introducing ballots that should not have been, no cheating regardless if it was right or left doing it. If the People Choose Biden then that is who they chose. But let it be the correct outcome.


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The president has now tweeted that votes were changed from him to Biden. No proof offered.
Well right now he probably can't say how he knows. But Dominion Polls have been under scrutiny the entire time. I am not saying it is true. But how about an investigation? Truth anyone?


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Harvest, AL
Well right now he probably can't say how he knows. But Dominion Polls have been under scrutiny the entire time. I am not saying it is true. But how about an investigation? Truth anyone?
Do you honestly believe there was enough voter fraud/illegal votes to change the outcome of this election?


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Hartselle, al
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Do you honestly believe there was enough voter fraud/illegal votes to change the outcome of this election?
Some of those races are really close. I mean there could be. There may not be. The recounts and the identification of legal ballots are worth it to ensure the integrity of the election?


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Harvest, AL
Some of those races are really close. I mean there could be. There may not be. The recounts and the identification of legal ballots are worth it to ensure the integrity of the election?
I fully support recounts where the difference is within a state’s specified margin. If it is outside of that margin, I do not support a recount nor do I believe the Democrats are the devious masterminds that would be necessary to cheat to that level.


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Huntsville, AL
I fully support recounts where the difference is within a state’s specified margin. If it is outside of that margin, I do not support a recount nor do I believe the Democrats are the devious masterminds that would be necessary to cheat to that level.
If they could, I'm sure they would've won a Senate majority.


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Hartselle, al
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I will say this. I keep hearing about Top Secret things going on. The theory that Trump was in a SCIF and that they were watching the voting machines that had been loaded with specific software to try and catch the Dems in a scheme to fraud the election.

2 problems with this story. First and foremost if there were such an event taking place and the President was trying to set up the Dems in an election fraud scheme, It wouldn't be public knowledge and people wouldn't be talking about it as this would be a security violation and it would get someone's clearance removed.

Second Is that not the clear definition of entrapment? Which by itself is illegal.


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McCalla, AL
I will say this. I keep hearing about Top Secret things going on. The theory that Trump was in a SCIF and that they were watching the voting machines that had been loaded with specific software to try and catch the Dems in a scheme to fraud the election.

2 problems with this story. First and foremost if there were such an event taking place and the President was trying to set up the Dems in an election fraud scheme, It wouldn't be public knowledge and people wouldn't be talking about it as this would be a security violation and it would get someone's clearance removed.

Second Is that not the clear definition of entrapment? Which by itself is illegal.

Entrapment requires that the government very specifically induce or coerce someone into committing a criminal act that they would have been unwilling to commit absent the aforementioned coercive efforts. In the scenario you depicted, if it were not an outlandish conspiracy theory, it would not be entrapment because no one would have been coerced or induced to commit a crime they were previously unwilling to commit.


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I will say this. I keep hearing about Top Secret things going on. The theory that Trump was in a SCIF and that they were watching the voting machines that had been loaded with specific software to try and catch the Dems in a scheme to fraud the election.

2 problems with this story. First and foremost if there were such an event taking place and the President was trying to set up the Dems in an election fraud scheme, It wouldn't be public knowledge and people wouldn't be talking about it as this would be a security violation and it would get someone's clearance removed.

Second Is that not the clear definition of entrapment? Which by itself is illegal.
Wherever you read this load of bull needs to be taken off your reading list forever.


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McCalla, AL
Well right now he probably can't say how he knows. But Dominion Polls have been under scrutiny the entire time. I am not saying it is true. But how about an investigation? Truth anyone?

He's the President. He can disclose anything he wants to disclose. If the past four years have taught us anything, it's that Trump doesn't listen to his staff and is always willing to disclose sensitive classified information in an attempt to impress people or get his way. Examples: Conversation with Lavrov that revealed extremely sensitive information from an ally's intelligence program, disclosure of new weapons system to Bob Woodward, and the tweeting of a spy satellite picture that allowed out adversaries to deduce the satellite from whence it came and its capabilities.

Finally, we don't do investigations to prove negatives or disprove wild conspiracy theories. Nor do we do investigations without proper prediction and evidence.

If the Trump campaign has something worth investigating they should've filed it in court well before today. Thus far, their lawsuits are largely composed of he said/she said affidavits of people who think they heard or saw something suspicious but aren't really sure. That's not evidence in any sense of the word. It's supposition and wishful thinking.


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Hartselle, al
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Wherever you read this load of bull needs to be taken off your reading list forever.
What are you talking about? I am basically arguing for your point of view LOL. Seems outlandish for you to make this kind of statement. And some of that statement is made from personal experience my friend not what I read.


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Hartselle, al
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Interesting take on the Electoral College, the Recount and what could happen.

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